I began drawing, painting and creating at an early age. My love for art led me into the world of traditional Chinese painting over 20 years ago, studying under the guidance of the late Letty Shea as a hobby in the Lingnan school of Chinese painting. My paintings place great emphasis on the harmony between positive and negative space and balances rich and vibrant Chinese ink and watercolours on xuan paper, better known as rice paper. 

As depicted in my primary subject matters of flowers and wildlife, my inspiration and creativity is greatly influenced by time spent outdoors and from my travels abroad. I believe in sharing those pleasant moments in nature through my paintings in the hopes that they will also bring you a sense of tranquility and happiness.

Under my Paintings page, you will be able to see a few sample pieces that I have painted over these years.

A little bit about my iPhone Series photographs. All photos have been taken with my iPhone alone. I believe you can find beauty in anything and can be captured with any type of device. You do not need expensive equipment, all you need is a desire to see the exquisiteness in every day life.

My other creative outlets and hobbies include photography, other forms of crafts and jewellery making, music, yoga, snowboarding and rock climbing. 


"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls" ~ Pablo Picasso